
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


  • Kawthoolei Safe School Declaration
Brigadier General Saw John Phyu Funeral Video Documentation.
Interview youth regarding military coup
KNLA Brigade 5, Brigadier General Saw Mu Hei Messages to public.
Anti-Military Coup Movement in Dooplayar District (2021.5.2)
Interview General Saw Kler Doh, Spoke person of KNLA brigade 5
KNLA Brigade 5, Brigadier General Saw Mu Hel Messages to public.
Dooplayar District anti-military coup movement (2021.4.17)
Dooplayar District anti-coup movement (2021.4.16)
Anti-Military Coup Movement Video (2021.4.15)
Anti-coup movement in KNU-Doo Playar District
Situation Report on March 27th to April 1st 2021.
TH 9+ Karen Youth give respect to those who sacrificed their life for Federal Democracy.
TH 9+ Multi-Ethnic protest against military coup
Karen IDP dig bomb shelter to avoid Burmese military air attack
Interview CDM health Worker