
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


No Date Title Categories Download
271 2012-04-04 KNU and the Burmese Government Continued State-level Ceasefire Talks KNU Supreme Headquarters
272 2012-04-04 The KNU Press Release on State-Level Meeting with Burmese (Myanmar) Government for Ceasefire Talk KNU Supreme Headquarters
273 2012-03-26 KNU Statement on the Release of Padoh Mahn Nyein Maung KNU Supreme Headquarters
274 2012-02-18 Statement of Seminar of Religious Organizations Organized by KNU Home and Religious Affairs Department KNU Supreme Headquarters
275 2012-01-26 Statement of KNU Central Committee 2nd Emergency Meeting KNU Supreme Headquarters
276 2012-01-13 Statement on Initial Agreement between KNU and Burmese Government KNU Supreme Headquarters
277 2012-01-11 Position Statement on Peace Talks Between the KNU and the Burmese Government KNU Supreme Headquarters
278 2012-01-08 Statement of KNU Central Committee Third Emergency Meeting KNU Supreme Headquarters
279 2011-11-24 KNU Statement on Peace Talks KNU Supreme Headquarters
280 2011-11-02 KNU Statement Appealing UN and Democratic Countries to Act for Stopping Offensives against Kachin and Other Ethnic Nationalities KNU Supreme Headquarters
281 2011-05-26 Statement on the Use of Karen Civilians for Forced Labor and as Human Shield by Burma Army KNU Supreme Headquarters
282 2011-05-19 KNU Statement on Bombing near Capital of Burma’s Dictators KNU Supreme Headquarters
283 2011-05-14 Statement of Expanded Meeting of the Political Leading Board and Central Executive Committee of UNFC UNFC
284 2011-04-04 Statement on New Military Government & Concerns of Ethnic Nationalities KNU Supreme Headquarters
285 2011-02-24 KNU Statement on Baseless Accusation by SPDC and Call for Nationwide Ceasefire KNU Supreme Headquarters